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Sunday 3 July 2016

Quick catch up...

Hi guys

So sorry that I haven't written for a while. To be completely honest, being a beauty blogger is very expensive when you don't get things sent to you for free.
I've been really busy though recently as well. I've changed offices at my current job and had a lot going on in my personal life.

  • About 3 months ago, my boyfriend and I broke up. We've since got back together, which is great but as you can imagine, it caused a lot of upset at the time. 
  • I'm really wanting to try and write a book of some kind but every time I get an idea in my head, it vanishes as quickly as it arrives. 
  • I'm also trying to lose some weight and get fitter and so far - I've gained weight!!!! #waytogo 
Regarding that last point, my old Fitbit broke a while back and I wasn't able to afford a new one so I asked for one as a present for my birthday (three weeks ago). I've worn it every day since. I always try really hard to hit my target of 10,000 steps. Some days I do it really easily and other days I struggle to even get to 5000. As I type, I'm currently stuck at 9606 steps. I went for a long walk earlier and got to 9000 and have barely moved since! However, my appetite has increased recently so despite all the walking I'm doing, I still haven't lost anything. Talk about frustrating. 

I haven't had a takeaway in over three months
I barely drink alcohol
I'm walking a lot
I've even started eating (and enjoying) avocados
There's a form of green tea that I can finally drink and enjoy too - Twinings Salted Caramel.

I'm trying to read a bit more too. Recently I have read a few books that I have really enjoyed and all are pictured below. I'm currently reading 'The Girl on the Train' but haven't got very far into it yet. I've also got a list of other books I want to read (all listed on my 'Wunderlist' App) and there are 31 altogether. 31. All 31 of these books, I own and haven't yet read. So, on that note - I best shut up and get reading. :)

Bye for now :) xxx

Saturday 26 March 2016

Have you discovered ARBONNE yet?

Hi Guys

I just thought you should know that if you haven't yet discovered or come across Arbonne in any way - it's time you did. 
Arbonne do everything you could wish for from Skincare, Bath & Body, Hair and Make Up to all things Nutrition! All I can show you today is a very tiny sample of their products. 

The four small samples at the bottom of that photo, I haven't yet started on. Although one of them is the Primer (which I'll talk about later). 
  • The first sample is part of the Arbonne Intelligence range - Rejuvenating Cream. It can be used on your face and body, focusing on dry/rough patches. It has botanical emollients to help replenish moisture. The current RRP is £30 for 57ml

  1. The second sample you can see if from the RE9 Advanced range - Lifting and Contouring Eye Cream. This claims to give you the appreance of more awakened, lifted skin around the eye area when used morning and night. I'm definitely looking forward to giving this a go. Current RRP is £48 for 15ml (A little goes a long way). 

  • Finally with the samples we have the Cellular Renewal Masque - Also from the RE9 Advanced range. This MUST be used on a night before bed as it will make your face go red - totally normal and expected, but you won't want to go out like that. After cleansing, apply the masque and leave on for 5 minutes. Remove using more of the cleanser. It gently exfoliates to improve the appearance of skin tone and texture & leaves a radiant glow. Current RRP £54 for 49ml. 

Now - Onto the products and I can honestly say I have tried and LOVED. Especially the Primer and Foundation. 

Make Up Primer

This Primer is becoming one of the most popular in the US & UK. Simon Cowell uses this for crying out loud. It creates a beautiful smooth surface for your make up to glide over. 

It looks a bit like a jelly. It goes on clear, there is no colour to it at all. If you don't like to wear a lot of make up, you can even just wear this on its own. The pump action means you don't need to waste any. One pump is usually enough. My make up looks flawless whenever I use this. Although I tend to save it for special occasions. 
Current RRP £27 for 30ml

Perfecting Liquid Foundation with SPF 15
This is as good as the name suggests. Its perfect. I've used so many different foundations in the past and never bought a single one for a 2nd time. In fact, I rarely finish the bottle. As you can see from the picture, this is nearly finished and I've ordered a new one already. 
 It gives fantastic coverage and lasts all day. It has the added bonus of SPF15 in it. I got mine the colour Buff. As with the primer, it is pump action so you don't have any wastage. I generally use 1 or 1& ½ pumps and thats more than enough for me. I don't wear make up every single day, but I wear it a lot and this has lasted me since November & with whats left, it will probably take me towards May. So it averages at around 6 months when used regularly. 

Current RRP £32 for 30ml

It's a Long Story Mascara - Available in Black (but towards Christmas, they do a purple one). 
The purple one isn't very dark. It's best used on top of the black just to make the ends of your lashes pop a bit more. 
The black one is very good. I'm very fickle when it comes to Mascara and this one, I like.  

Firstly, the packaging is really nice. Secondly, the brush is my favourite type. (I much prefer a brush to a comb.) Thirdly, it's great for creating fuller, thicker lashes. It also contains somethings called Panthenol (Also known as Pro vitamin B5) which helps to soften and condition lashes. 

Current RRP £26

Sheer Glow Highlighter
This is a luminescent highlighter that adds radiance and a soft glow. 
It's another lovely product that looks great, but not for every day use. 

It also needs rubbing nicely into fingers and patting onto the skin rather than straight on. If you go straight on, it can mess with your foundation.

This isn't one of my favourites, but I do like it and definitely recommend it. Don't overdo it. Too much can look silly!

Current RRP £32 for 30ml

Overall, I'm a convert. I love Arbonne. Do I wish it was cheaper? - Yes, of course I do.
But - these are high quality products and they're worth the money.
They don't advertise, they are sold mainly through word of mouth. They're in the US, the UK, Australia and many other countries. They're currently expanding into Poland and considering others. They're doing really well and it's because the products sell themselves.

Take a look for yourself :

or message me for more information...

Twitter: @emsky1329

Instagram: Emmavic1329

Snapchat: emsky1329 or Emma Parkinson

Facebook: Stardust Beauty Blog

Sunday 13 March 2016

The Body Coach - My 90 Day SSS Journey

I have no willpower whatsoever when it comes to dieting. So a few days ago I decided to join up to The Body Coach 90 day SSS. I knew it was going to be hard and I was going to start missing chocolate and crisps straight away but I decided it was the best thing to do to motivate myself.
I've paid for it, so I've got to do it. Plus, my boyfriend won't let me slack off even for a day!!

Just for a second, lets go back a few weeks: Just recently I've had a chest infection, which affected my asthma, which has resulted in me being on two lots of antibiotics, one lot of steroids, blood tests and a chest X-Ray. 
I signed up for this programme and waited patiently for my pack to be sent through. The day before it arrived I've now ended up with a really bad cold and my cough has come back. Marvellous! 

I've not let it out me off though and this morning I attempted my first HIIT session. 
I couldn't finish it. By the end of what I did manage I felt like I was dying. 

I walked downstairs and my legs had turned to jelly. 
I downed my second lot of BCAA and then went in the shower. I then drank my protein shake (Cinnamon - gorgeous!) and made my first Build up Bagel. Again, I couldn't finish it all. I'm a grazer so getting used to all this food is going to be hard.

I'm also failing straight away because I'm now going for a birthday meal for Jacks Step mum. I will hopefully find a meal very similar to what I'm allowed to eat and I've also said I'll drive - so no alcohol. 

I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing. So far, day one - not ideal. Tomorrow I plan on getting up earlier enough to do scrambled eggs and lunch is already prepared (Tuna Salad). Not snacking is going to be so hard!! I'm allowed a protein shake and 50g of fruit. Not much compared to what I normally snack on.

Thursday 14 January 2016

#Leanin15 - My review of the UK's Best Selling Book

Joe Wicks - The Body Coach - Lean In 15

Before and After

This is my review of the UK's best selling book of 2015/2016

The title of my Blog says it all really. This is a best selling book and its best selling for a reason. I've looked at many recipe/diet/lifestyle books and this is by far one of the best. It's very well written and easy to follow. The recipes are fantastic and none of them use super fancy food that no one has ever heard of before.

By total coincidence, my boyfriend bought this book at the same time as me and we had it delivered on the same day. We were looking through that evening and decided that the very next day we would try one of the recipes. We went for page 72. Tomato and Chorizo. Below is the result - and can I just say, we were very proud of ourselves!! It tasted fantastic. We couldn't find any Spring onion in the supermarket so we decided to use Spinach instead and it went perfectly.

The back of the book consists of some before and after photo's of normal people that have tried Joe's 90 Day SSS Plan. They all look incredible.
He also has a few pictures and instructions on HIIT workouts.

The Hiit workouts look great but they're flippin' hard work. I decided to go on Youtube and watch a proper video to do my HIIT workout. Joe Wicks does 4 rounds - I managed 3. Not too bad for my first attempt.

Yesterday I did my own version of the Italian Stallion Sausages. Unfortunately, we were too hungry and just ate it straight away before I thought about taking a picture. I used my Pampered Chef chopper to make the courgettes and onions very small rather than chunky. It tasted beautiful and I'll be recommending/doing again soon. It was a lot more a soup/stew than I imagined but that's probably due to how finely chopped the veg was. I also added about 12 Cherry Tomatoes rather than the 4 or 6 he recommends and I added some red pepper. Beautiful!

I've got the ingredients to be trying Cauliflower Cous-cous Chicken Salad, Cheesy Chorizo, Chicken & Spinach and the Goan Fish Curry. Think I'll be cooking this afternoon!!


You can see the steam it's that hot!! This is plateful of Cheesy Chorizo, Chicken & Spinach. It was beautiful. I did part spinach, part kale and I didn't add any nits. Other than that, the recipe was the same. Another one that I'll happily make again!

I just need to learn to 'prep like a pro' and I'll be all sorted!!!

I hope you all enjoyed reading this post. Follow me on Instagram @emsky1329 for more food pics and ideas. 

Bye Guys xxx

Saturday 2 January 2016

***Happy New Year 2016***

Hi Everyone. Hope you've all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. 
I've not written a blog for a while, due to being so busy over the last few weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to normal now and continue doing blog posts. 
I'm writing this on the 2nd January. Already I've had a good start to my New Year. I've actually made some resolutions this year and I hope I can stick to them. It's not often I even bother making them. 

1.       Keep going to the gym.
2.       As little alcohol as possible. (I'm doing dry January - more about that later)
3.       Stop spending on rubbish and budget better to save more.
4.       Start writing my book and keep going with blog.
5.       Eat healthy.
6.       Keep a To Do List.

That's right, I've gone from doing no resolutions whatsoever, to 6!

I started going to DW gym in November and I've been enjoying it. Always feel much better after I've been but my motivation isn't very good. I've only ever been once on my own, so that needs to change.
I've always wanted to write a book so hopefully 2016 will be the year that finally gets started.
I definitely need to start keeping 'to do' lists. Especially for things around the house. 
On to Dry January - I've signed up to do the Cancer Research Dryathlon. With one major clause... I get to drink on the 23rd!!! It's our annual Pride Awards with work and I can't not drink there!!!! 
Anyway, Other than, I will be doing dry January. Because I'm doing it for Cancer Research, I need people to sponsor me. I've already admitted there will be one evening where I won't do it, but to make up for that, I'm going to continue it into February. 
If you'd like to sponsor me, just copy this link into your web browser...

It is only the 2nd Jan, but so far I've been eating a lot better, drinking lots of water (hot & cold) and I've been to the Gym today and plan to go again tomorrow. 

Oh and by the way... this was how I celebrated my New Years Eve - A night in with my boyfriend and my cat. So guess what, no hangover yesterday :)

Hope you all have a fantastic 2016. Don't forget you can follow me on Instagram - emsky1329 and Facebook - Stardust Beauty Blogger

Ciao for now :) xxx