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Sunday 3 July 2016

Quick catch up...

Hi guys

So sorry that I haven't written for a while. To be completely honest, being a beauty blogger is very expensive when you don't get things sent to you for free.
I've been really busy though recently as well. I've changed offices at my current job and had a lot going on in my personal life.

  • About 3 months ago, my boyfriend and I broke up. We've since got back together, which is great but as you can imagine, it caused a lot of upset at the time. 
  • I'm really wanting to try and write a book of some kind but every time I get an idea in my head, it vanishes as quickly as it arrives. 
  • I'm also trying to lose some weight and get fitter and so far - I've gained weight!!!! #waytogo 
Regarding that last point, my old Fitbit broke a while back and I wasn't able to afford a new one so I asked for one as a present for my birthday (three weeks ago). I've worn it every day since. I always try really hard to hit my target of 10,000 steps. Some days I do it really easily and other days I struggle to even get to 5000. As I type, I'm currently stuck at 9606 steps. I went for a long walk earlier and got to 9000 and have barely moved since! However, my appetite has increased recently so despite all the walking I'm doing, I still haven't lost anything. Talk about frustrating. 

I haven't had a takeaway in over three months
I barely drink alcohol
I'm walking a lot
I've even started eating (and enjoying) avocados
There's a form of green tea that I can finally drink and enjoy too - Twinings Salted Caramel.

I'm trying to read a bit more too. Recently I have read a few books that I have really enjoyed and all are pictured below. I'm currently reading 'The Girl on the Train' but haven't got very far into it yet. I've also got a list of other books I want to read (all listed on my 'Wunderlist' App) and there are 31 altogether. 31. All 31 of these books, I own and haven't yet read. So, on that note - I best shut up and get reading. :)

Bye for now :) xxx

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