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Wednesday 28 October 2015

***I finally have Wifi, so... here's my new house!***

Well its been a really long time coming, but finally I have Wi-Fi at home and I can let you know about my new home.
I mentioned in a few posts that I was moving. it was quite honestly, the most stressful thing I've EVER had to do. I had to sell and buy which does make things harder. I work at an Estate Agents so I know what happens and I know it can get stressful, but nothing prepared me for this.

I can now finally say that I am happy and settled in my new home and the nightmare is behind me. I've moved from an apartment to be a mid terrace with a gorgeous basement kitchen. I really do LOVE my kitchen. Its the best room in the house. I've finally got sorted with storage as well. Everything has a home now. (Including my make-up!) :)

Here is a mini photo tour of my new house.
You may notice the odd picture with my cat, Lila in them. She just likes to be involved!!

So first of all, we've got the living room. My sideboard is my pride and joy. I bought it with some inheritance money and I've loved it from the moment I saw it. My kitchen is downstairs so the little archway you can see is the stairway to the kitchen. 

This is my beautiful Kitchen. I'm absolutely in love with this kitchen. Its the reason I kept going as long as I did through the sale. Its about 10 times the size of the one I had in the apartment. I can't say enough how much I love it. 

Bedroom 2 / Dressing Room

View from Bedroom 2

My bedroom. Its not massive but hey, I've got a mid terrace so what else would you expect. 

I'm so happy to finally be moved in and settled. I can #netflixandchill again! Haha. 

Normal blog posts will be resumed shortly. In the meantime feel free to follow me on both Twitter and Instagram under @emsky1329 or my Facebook page - Stardust Beauty Blog


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