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Monday 23 November 2015

Eating Healthy and Doing Exercise. It's Easy... Right?

2015 has been the year of 'healthy'. There are so many new books coming out about a healthier lifestyle, new recipe books, all with healthy foods in them. Yet somehow, as a 27 year old normal girl with a full time job, I still struggle to find the time and money to eat healthily.

I have just recently joined the gym (again) and plan to stick to it this time. I'm determined to fit into my Bodycon dress by the end of January. I also keep buying the lifestyle books I've become addicted to. 'Made' by Millie Mackintosh is a recent favourite. Maria Menounos has done two books so far, the first of which, 'The EveryGirls Guide to Life' is my Bible. Girls like Binky Felstead from 'Made in Chelsea' are even putting short exercise videos onto Instagram for us to watch and copy. I love all of these things. I love hearing about them, watching them, reading them. Yet somehow, I can't seem to be able to follow them.

I find healthy food to be very expensive. How cheap and quick is it do a pizza? £1.00 and 15 minutes. If you're in a rush, It's the easiest option. How quickly does salad stuff go off? When you live on your own and not having salad for every single meal... very quickly! I seem to waste more food than I eat. And that's not to mention the jargon that comes with healthy eating. What on earth is that green powdery stuff you're supposed to stick in your juicer these days? It's weird, that's what it is.

I won't lie to you; I'm eating a pizza right now. It's only a tiny one, but I was late home, there is very little food in the house and thanks to a rather unexpected expensive weekend, I'm now officially broke until pay day. So I 'cooked' the quickest and easiest thing I could find. A Pepperoni Pizza. And you want to know something else? I'm not even enjoying it. Right now, I'd honestly much rather be eating a nice healthy vegetable soup.

Convenience and money are my main problems. I think my New Years resolution should be to finally pay attention to these books I keep reading. Learn how to cook for one and not waste food. Going to the gym is great... slightly pointless though if I'm going to sit here eating a pizza.

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